Get on the phone with your colorist STAT because it's sooo 2011 to have an electrifying hair hue. Britney Spears busted some hot pink and black streaks in her "I Wanna Go" video. Evidently, when asked if she'd like to wear some standard-issue blonde hairpiece, Britney replied, "No thanks. I choose my destiny" (get it??) and opted for some fluorescence amid her golden low-lighted locks. Perfectly placed, excellently executed! Brava to BRITNEY.
On the other end of the neon-hair spectrum, we have Lady Gaga, who proved that the hot hair hue trend does NOT have to be relegated to a Pantone prison of the hair just on your HEAD. Gaga rolled up to the 22nd Annual MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto last week rocking an aqua blue wig (obv) but with accompanying ARMPIT hair for extensions We're all for Gaga's commitment to eclectic steez, but this look makes us wonder if she scalped a Muppet and then triumphantly affixed it to her PITS.
And yes, we realize Rihanna and Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry have been going with crazy colors for what seems like forEVER (and Avril, too, obviously), but Britney and Gaga have been doing extensions like at the EXACT same time! JINX! SYNERGY!
Check out Britney's extensions in action in her "I Wanna Go" video, check out our photo gallery of Lady Gaga's craziest hair styles, get more celebrity hair news you can use at MTV Style, and tell us if you'd rock pit extensions!